The PF(Private Football) program will provide opportunities to perfect and elevate individual skills and performance for football(soccer), and inspire players between 5 to 15 years old kids. The purpose of the very specialized training program is to enable a player to receive individual instructions in a specific area that would be difficult to teach in a large team environment.
·Performance for British Football Academy 10th Anniversary Jamboree was uploaded! Clike here
·Private Football was introduced by JYFA(Japan Youth Football Academy) on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/JYFA.soccer
·We have started Trial Lesson.The price is ¥3000(45~60min)
Your coach will travel to a training venue you select
(For example: a park, a gymnasium, a riverbed,etc)
*Please make sure the place is at least 8m x 8m and any ball games are not restricted.
*Please contact us if you are interested in this program but not live Tokyo area.
*Traveling expenses for a coach are not included in session fees. The travel expenses will be from a station where your coach takes a train to the nearest station where your session will take place.
More details about the pricing system→click here
Lesson flow
②Meet your coach
③The start of the lesson
The lesson will start as soon as you are ready in the place. The lessons are 60 minutes or 90 minutes long. Although the practice programs vary by each player’s level,most of the programs are as follows.
Greeting→Warm-up→Main part(example:dribbling,passing,receiving and special menu customized for individual needs)→Small game→Farewell
④After the lesson
個々の特性、レベル、年齢に合わせた、完全個別メニュー型レッスン! 初心者〜上級者まで、指導経験豊富なコーチがマンツーマンでサポートしていきます。
▶サッカー × 英語
サッカーをしながら英語を学ぶマンツーマンレッスン! 好きなこと、楽しいことでプレイヤーの集中力、吸収力、好奇心を上げ効率よく英会話能力を培っていきます。サッカーを通じて、指導経験豊富なコーチが指導していきます。
料金の詳細はコチラから→click here
現地でレッスン準備が整い次第、挨拶をしてレッスンを開始します。レッスン時間は60分もしくは90分となります。 主なレッスンの内容は個人のレベルによって変わりますが、大まかな流れは下記のようになります。
挨拶(目標の再確認、ヒアリング)→ ウォーミングアップ→ メインパート(ドリブル、パス、トラップなどといった個のレベル合わせたトレーニングメニューを抽出していきます)→ ミニゲーム→ 挨拶(レッスンで学んだことの見直し、今後の課題設定)