
Homepage Disclaimer

  1. All information appearing on these pages and all published media produced by Private Football is the sole property of Private Football and may not be copied or reproduced in any form without the written consent of the owners, unless otherwise stated. All breaches of copyright will result in legal action being taken by Private Football against offending parties and in conjunction with copyright law.
  2. Third party web sites, accessed through www.british-football-academy.com are not necessarily under the governance of Private Football. Any links provided on the web site are provided for your interest or convenience only and do not necessarily represent or imply any endorsement by Private Football. Private Football will not be held liable for any loss or damage which may arise from use of such third party web sites or contracts entered into resulting from the use of such third party web sites. You acknowledge that the use of such third party web sites is at your own discretion and is governed by the terms and conditions of use applicable to the relevant sites.
  3. BFA reserves the right to refuse a third party site permission to provide a link to the whole or any part of www.british-football-academy.com as stipulated by copyright law.

Privacy Policy

  1. All information provided to Private Football, either on-line (booking and registration, inquiries and correspondence by e-mail) or in writing (booking, registration and customer agreement), by our clients including, but not limited to, information provided by parents/guardians of children registered at Private Football, (as well as information provided by our sponsors, suppliers, agents and all associates of Private Football.) will be treated with the strictest of confidence and in no way and under no circumstances will be made available to any third-parties.

Refund Policy

  1. Private Football, will in no way and under no circumstances give refunds, unless the circumstances are deemed to be extenuating. For example if, in the unlikely event that a child is injured during a coaching session, to the extent that the child can no longer participate in future Private Football. sessions and the injury was a direct result of negligence on the part of a Private Football. official, then a refund will be made to cover the exact value of the outstanding classes purchased upon registration.

Insurance Policy

  1. Although injury/Accident during the class will be treated by a coach, we will take no responsibility for that. So please apply for an insurance on your own.



    • Private Footballのホームページに記載されている資料、文章の著作権はPrivate Footballが保有します。Private Footballの許可または断り書きがない限りこれらの複製、複写は著作権法によって固く禁止されています。BFAは著作物の無断利用を発見した場合、法的処置をとらせていただきます。
    • Private Footballのホームページを通してアクセス可能な第三者ウェブサイトhttps://private-football.com/に対するリンクを情報提供のため設ける事があります。リンク先のサイトはPrivate Footballの管理下ではないため、Private Footballはリンク先のサイトに関するトラブルの責任は一切負いません。および、リンク先サイトの使用条件を順守するのはお客様の責任となります。


    • Private Footballは収集された個人情報の保護を徹底しており、正当な理由がない限り個人情報を第三者に提供する事はありません。


    • Private Footballは、特殊な場合(レッスン中の怪我などでレッスン継続不可能などの理由)以外でのお支払いいただいた料金のご返金は出来ません。
    • 当日のキャンセルは返金出来ませんのでご了承ください。
    • 一度ご購入頂きました都度払いレッスンまたは回数チケットに関しましては、いかなる理由でも御返金できかねますので、予めご了承ください。


    • 怪我・事故等に関し、応急処置は行いますが一切の責任を負えませんので各自で保険にご加入下さい。
